capi:print-rich-text-pane trouble
In LWW6, XPSP2, When I try to print a rich text pane, I get the error: The slot CAPI::PENDING-UPDATE-OPS is missing from #<TEST-RT-INTERFACE "Print test" 26F5DD87> (of class #<CAPI::CAPI-CLASS TEST-RT-INTERFACE 268B26F3>), when reading the value. I select "Print" from the file menu and click the print button in this pane using this print function. (capi:define-interface test-rt-interface () () (:panes (display-window capi:rich-text-pane :accessor display-window :text "Test text")) (:menus (file-menu "File" (("Print" :callback-type :interface :callback 'print-pane)))) (:layouts (main-layout capi:column-layout '(display-window))) (:menu-bar file-menu) (:default-initargs :layout 'main-layout :title "Print test" :best-height 100 :best-width 100)) (defun print-pane (pane) (capi:print-rich-text-pane pane)) > (capi:display (make-instance 'test-rt-interface)) Mitch Berkson