Re: Syntax coloring - how to trigger a recalculate? (possibly Win32-specific)
On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 10:01 PM, Matt Lamari <> wrote:
> I observe that the syntax coloring doesn't always recalculate when a
> comment tag is put around code, or removed. This IS recalculated when
> you "space" or "Tab" the front of the line, or File->Save (from the
> menu, not Emacs keys) the file after a modification is made.
Tab doesn't always trigger recoloring either. Try this: open a new
file and enter several lines of text, e.g.,
this is
a multi-line
and then put double-quotes before and after it (in that order):
"this is
a multi-line
The last line (i.e., "string\"") is colored as a string, but the first
two lines aren't, and hitting Tab at the beginning of those lines
doesn't recolor, but Space will. I wouldn't be surprised if it's just
because Tab doesn't, in this situation, cause any of the text to
change position.
Joshua Taylor,