No "Yes" please
Hi LispWorkers, My "tunnel vision" is acting up again, having stared at this too long. My intent was to display a YES/NO choice with neither of the choices selected (yet). Can't find an initarg which achieves this in a RADIO-BUTTON-PANEL - which seems reasonable for radio button behaviour. So how about a CHECK-BUTTON-PANEL with :single-selection as it's :interaction? All that gives me (in effect and appearance) is another RADIO-BUTTON-PANEL and the same problem I started with. It should be possible to disable the default selection of "Yes", no? :^) (in-package "CL-USER") (defvar *initargs-alist* '((:default-button nil) (:initial-focus nil) (:initial-focus-item nil) (:selected-item nil) (:selected-items nil) (:selection nil)) "One of these initargs leaves no button selected?") ;; RADIO-BUTTON-PANEL (defclass rad (capi:radio-button-panel) () (:default-initargs :items '(:yes :no))) ;; CHECK-BUTTON-PANEL (defclass chk (capi:check-button-panel) () (:default-initargs :interaction :single-selection :items '(:yes :no))) #| Display Radio button panels using the different initargs (mapc #'(lambda (initarg) (let ((initarg (car initarg)) (val (cadr initarg))) (capi:contain (make-instance 'rad :title (format nil "~A = ~A" initarg val) initarg val)))) *initargs-alist*) |# #| Display Check button panels using the different initargs (mapc #'(lambda (initarg) (let ((initarg (car initarg)) (val (cadr initarg))) (capi:contain (make-instance 'chk :title (format nil "~A = ~A" initarg val) initarg val)))) *initargs-alist*) |#