RE: Anomalous drawing whilst scrolling :without-bar (XP, Vista)
> Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2010 18:06:04 +0200> Subject: Re: Anomalous drawing whilst scrolling :without-bar (XP, Vista)
> From:
> To:;;
> on Mac I cannot see any anomaly. In %draw-data, some pixels are lost. But I
> suppose this is because of the different way the system draw lines.
%draw-data should probably actually be (to properly account for the extra pixel beyond the specified width) -
(defun %draw-data (pane x y width height)
(declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (fixnum-safety 0))
(ignore y height))
(loop for i fixnum from x below (+ x width)
while (< i 2048)
append (list i (aref *min* i) i (aref *max* i)) into coords
finally (gp:draw-lines pane coords)))
> PS : Please, let me know about your application when it will be released or
> pre-released. I am very interested to see what it's possible to do with
> audio in lisp.
I think it's possible to do pretty much anything you could do in C/C++. I am a composer, and I use IRCAM's OpenMusic (also LispWorks) quite extensively. My project is progressing well, at least with regard to audio processing/treatment. I use a very fast C library (Ooura) for my FFT stuff, and PortAudio (also C) for audio playback. Everything else is nice CL and CAPI! But then I do occasionally hit these nasty 'bugs'... :)
I'll send you a screenshot.
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