Re: unexpectedly "assumed special" warnings
Joshua TAYLOR <> writes:
> Hi all,
> Can anyone tell me why I get this warning? (I don't get similar
> warnings under SBCL or CCL.)
> ;;;*** Warning in NEGATIVE: #:*NEGATIVE* assumed special
> The code follows. I'd have thought that the macroexpansion for 3)
> would be just like the manually coded 2), but I get the warning in 3),
> but not in 2). Does this have something to do with the fact that the
> symbol isn't interned anywhere? In case 3) I can add a (declare
> (special …)) to the function definition that gets rid of the warning,
> but since progn's contents are top level forms, I'd have through that
> the preceding defparameter should have already made the special
> declaration pervasive. Am I missing something?
> ;; lookup and maybe store a value in a hash-table (interning)
> (defun get-or-set-interned-value (key hash-table value-function)
> (multiple-value-bind (value presentp)
> (gethash key hash-table)
> (if presentp value
> (setf (gethash key hash-table)
> (funcall value-function)))))
> ;; 1) here's a interner for squares (with no progn)
> (defparameter *square* (make-hash-table))
> (defun square (x)
> (get-or-set-interned-value
> x *square* #'(lambda () (* x x))))
> ;; 2) and an interner for cubes (in a progn)
> (progn
> (defparameter *cube* (make-hash-table))
> (defun cube (x)
> (get-or-set-interned-value
> x *cube* #'(lambda () (* x x x))))
> ) ; progn
> ;; 3) here's a macro for defining interners, but I get an "... assumed
> special" warning
> (defmacro definterner (name (key) &body body)
> (let ((hash-table (make-symbol (concatenate 'string "*" (string name) "*"))))
> `(progn
> (defparameter ,hash-table (make-hash-table))
> (defun ,name (,key)
> (get-or-set-interned-value
> ,key ,hash-table #'(lambda () ,@body))))))
> (definterner negative (x)
> (- x))
> Thanks in advance. I'll use the special declaration for now, but I'd
> like to know why it's necessary.
> --
> Joshua Taylor,
After the macro expansion ...
> (macroexpand-1 '(definterner negative (x) (- x)))
.... the two occurrences of #:*negative* are not the same symbol, so the
second one is assumed special (because it was not declared special).
The reader macro #: "introduces an uninterned symbol ... Every time this
syntax is encountered, a distinct uninterned symbol is created."
Your problem is with the use of MAKE-SYMBOL, which "creates and returns
a fresh, uninterned symbol whose name is the given name", i.e. why
*negative* is preceded by #: in the macro expansion.
What you want to use is the INTERN function:
(defmacro definterner (name (key) &body body)
(let ((hash-table (intern (concatenate 'string "*" (string name) "*"))))
(defparameter ,hash-table (make-hash-table))
(defun ,name (,key)
,key ,hash-table #'(lambda () ,@body))))))