:keyboard-post-menu and editor pane
Hello lispworkers, I try to pop-up a menu by means of the keyboard inside an interface of my own. I display the pane: (capi:contain (make-instance 'capi:editor-pane :title "My pane:")) On clicking :button-3 (the right button on Windows), a standard menu is displayed. But pressing Shift-F10 only activates the a menu bar - the context menu does not appear. Neither the redefinition helps... (defmethod capi:pane-popup-menu-items ((pane capi:editor-pane) (interface capi:interface)) `(,(make-instance 'capi:menu-item :title "One") ,(make-instance 'capi:menu-item :title "Two"))) .... nor adding the gesture (capi:contain (make-instance 'capi:editor-pane :title "My pane:" :input-model (cons '(:keyboard-post-menu my-post-menu) CAPI::*EDITOR-INPUT-MODEL*))) I wonder how Shift-F10 works in the Editor tool and the Listener in LWW4.4 and LWW5.0. Does anybody know the secret? -- Sincerely, Dmitriy Ivanov lisp.ystok.ru