How do I connect to a remote sql server (running mysql)?here is what i am trying:
(require "odbc")
(setf sql:*default-database-type* :odbc)
(sql:connect '(:username "myusername" :password "mypwd" :hostname "my.server.com
" :dbname "mydatabase") :sql-mode "ANSI_QUOTES")
Error: Sql-Database-Data-Error id IM002[0] : [iODBC][Driver Manager]
Data source name not found and no default driver specified. Driver
could not be loaded
using (require "mysql") won't work obviously because i don't have mysql on my machine,
but rather trying to connect to the mysql server on a different host....
the connection to that db host works fine, so there must be something with the lw code........
what am i doing wrong?