Re: (Lisp-HUG) Silly CAPI Newbie Question :)
Happy Sunday to the List...
It is snowing like crazy here at 8,000-feet (2400-meters) in the
Rocky Mountains - a good day to be working inside here on software :)
I appreciate the replies to my post, "Silly CAPI Newbie Question".
I am glad to know that I am not the only hideously tortured soul
wandering aimlessly through the orthogonal-to-CAPI night. There are
apparently a few others :)
I am building a commercial system in Lisp - an embedded (soft)
real-time mobile/portable device with a touchscreen etc - and it is
of some importance to me to try to minimize GC stops and the like
and, thus, I try to minimize the destruction of things there in
Lisp-Space. This system will run for days, weeks, years at a time.
I appreciate what Paul Tarvydas said about the tortured snippet that
I posted. The following, as a replacement, seems to work reliably:
(defun test()
(let* ((example-pane1 (make-instance 'capi:output-pane ; Blue Pane...
:background :blue
#'(lambda( self x y width height )
(gp:draw-line self 0 0 100 100
(example-layout1 (make-instance 'capi:simple-layout
:description (list example-pane1)))
(example-interface (capi:display
(make-instance 'capi:interface
:best-width 100
:best-height 100
:layout example-layout1)))
(example-pane2 (make-instance 'capi:output-pane ; Red Pane...
:background :red
#'(lambda( self x y width height )
(gp:draw-line self 0 0 100 100
(example-layout2 (make-instance 'capi:simple-layout
:description (list example-pane2))))
(sleep 1) ; Delay so that you can see the Blue Pane with White Line...
(capi:execute-with-interface example-interface ; Put up the
Red Pane and White Line...
#'(setf capi:pane-layout)
;; Should Now See the other Red Pane with White Line.
I now, above, define the interface, pane, and layout in reverse order
to what I did before - and, most important I think, is that I now
first (in the Let*) define the interface with the layout whereas,
before, I did not do that. I manually/remotely shot that in on-the-fly.
In the above new snippet, I display the blue pane and wait a second
(so you can see the thing) and then change the layout for the same
interface to the red pane/layout.
This works every time with no delay etc.
I believe that it works because the interface has a defined pane (and
thread) before I do anything - unlike before.
Paul asked the question, "Is your real question 'how do I set up a
capi interface containing an output pane and draw a line (and other
stuff) on it?'"
I think (after staring at the endlessly falling snow for a bit), that
my question really is: "Am I correct to use a single interface that
overlays my touchscreen and to change the layouts/panes as I flip
among things (as I do above with the capi:execure-with-interface
#'(setf capi:pane-layout)? Or, should I destroy the old interface
every time and put up a new interface/display/pane when I do
something different and, therefore, never use the
This is, I think, what that other tortured and wandering soul,
"Laughing Water", was asking as well --
Do I remain orthogonal to the CAPI idiom by creating a single defined
interface that lives forever and that I remotely (setf
capi:pane-layout) to new layout/pane sets as things change? That is
the question.
Again, this commercial system that I am building needs to run
continuously with minimal GC stops and the like. Thus, my
orthogonalness to the Constantly Destroy The Interface model if I can.
I greatly appreciate the input.
Regards to the List -
Jack Harper
Secure Outcomes Inc.
Evergreen, Colorado
>I wrote my first article on lisp for DDJ about 1978/9.
Good Stuff!
> >
> > Question: I clearly do not understand the basic use of threads with
> > CAPI objects - i.e., exactly when and how to use/coordinate
> > capi:execute-with-interface, capi:apply-in-pane-process & friends...
>Your example is tortured. You are in the weeds. I don't mean that
>pejoratively, I'd be glad to steer you in the right direction, I've
>been dealing with CAPI for a number of years. There is a learning curve.
>Is your real question "how do I set up a capi interface containing
>an output pane and draw a line (and other stuff) on it?" Or are you
>trying to do something insanely tricky where you really need to know
>the scheduling policies underlying capi?
>If you are trying to do something simple, like making a GUI, then
>use CAPI:DEFINE-INTERFACE. And, use the tools>>interface builder wizard.
>Top level interfaces run in native processes. Any callbacks within
>such processes - menus, buttons, mousing, input-models, whatever -
>are handled inside the process and do not require the tortuous
>capi:execute-with-interface and capi:apply-in-pane-process calls.
>You only need to use capi:execute-with-interface and
>capi:apply-in-pane-process if you are trying to affect a GUI that
>you spawned, say, from the listener, and are trying to shoot remote
>invocations to it.
>In the CAPI idiom, you build the entire interface (a tree of capi
>stuff), then capi:display it. In your example code, you seem to do
>the opposite - the code you posted calls capi:display on the
>interface before it has any panes and layouts. I agree with you
>that your code does what you claim, but I haven't bothered to figure
>out why - the code you posted is orthogonal to the CAPI idiom. Like
>I said earlier, you are in the weeds and doing things you shouldn't
>be doing if what you want to accomplish is a simple GUI (your
>questions would be valid if you want to be doing something amazingly
>complicated, but I suspect that that is not what you are asking about).
>If all you want to do is to build a simple GUI, start by using
>tools>>interface builder. Grab a simple layout (e.g. column layout)
>and add a text-input-pane to it. Then click on the "code" tab and
>see what the generated code looks like. Save it. Run it. Ta-da.
>Have a look at the examples. E.G.
>examples/capi/output-panes/drawing.lisp (which is more complicated
>than the example that you posted).
>Feel free to ask here again - even if you don't know what question
>to ask. The learning curve is mysteriously quantized. It seems
>utterly mysterious until at some discrete moment it all snaps into
>view and looks insanely trivial.