Scroll-bar in divider layout redisplay problem (again)
Hi list, I am still trying to find a cure for a problem I posted about a few months ago ( when I place scroll-bars in a layout with a divider the scroll-bars redisplay in a 'juddery' fashion as the divider is moved (particularly if dragged quickly). My interface has independent scroll-bars, rather than ones added via initargs, as it requires custom scrolling. The problem is illustrated by the test interface below: (define-interface sb-div-test () () (:panes (top-pane output-pane) (bottom-pane output-pane) (h-scroll scroll-bar) (v-scroll scroll-bar :orientation :vertical) (dummy-pane simple-pane :visible-border nil :visible-max-width 16 :visible-max-height 16)) (:layouts (v-scroll-panel column-layout '(v-scroll dummy-pane) :y-gap 0) (panel-1 column-layout '(top-pane h-scroll) :y-gap 0) (panel-2 row-layout '(panel-1 v-scroll-panel) :x-gap 0) (main-layout column-layout '(panel-2 :divider bottom-pane))) (:default-initargs :layout 'main-layout :best-height 500 :best-width 800)) I'm on XP, but the problem also seems to occur (though perhaps less dramatically) on Vista and OS X. I have tried things like disabling 'Show window contents while dragging' in the XP preferences, but nothing seems to work. Interestingly the problem seems much less obvious if I maximise the interface. Anyone have any thoughts on how to solve this? Cheers all, Chris