Final version works off DSPECs
This is my final version... it works off of DSPEC's which permits things like exploring from methods with particular signatures. ;; call-path-checker.lisp -- A visual aid to determining if one function can be reached from another ;; ;; DM/RAL 08/09 ;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Feel free to use, modify, or whatever... ;; ;; Use as: ;; 1) First load in your code that you want to explore ;; ;; 2) Enter: (path-between fn1 fn2) where path runs from fn1 to fn2 ;; and both must be dspecs for functions or methods: ;; e.g., (path-between 'connect-to-database 'rollback) ;; or (path-between '(method deref (oid)) 'fetch-from-logfile) ;; ;; 3) If there are one or more paths, they will be displayed in a graph pane ;; Otherwise, the returned value is NIL. ;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (in-package :user) (defun view-tree (tree from to) (when tree (capi:contain (make-instance 'capi:graph-pane :title (format nil "Path from ~A to ~A" from to) :roots (list tree) :children-function #'cdr :print-function #'(lambda (node) (format nil "~A" (let ((ds (car node))) (case (car ds) (function (cadr ds)) (method ds))))) :edge-pinboard-class 'capi:arrow-pinboard-object :interaction :single-selection :action-callback 'graph-pane-action-callback ) :best-width 400 :best-height 300))) (defun graph-pane-action-callback (node intf) (declare (ignore intf)) (ignore-errors (ed (car node)))) (defun path-between (dspec1 dspec2) ;; dspec1 and dspec2 are approximate dspecs ;; e.g., (path-between 'deref 'fetch-from-logfile) ;; or (path-between '(method deref (oid)) 'fetch-from-logfile) (let ((ds1 (dspec:canonicalize-dspec dspec1)) (ds2 (dspec:canonicalize-dspec dspec2)) (seen (make-hash-table :test #'dspec:dspec-equal))) (labels ((dspec-type (ds) (case (car ds) (function (ignore-errors ;; produce NIL on error, which will just skip it (if (typep (fdefinition (cadr ds)) 'standard- generic-function) 'generic-function 'function))) (method 'method))) (make-method-dspec (ds meth) (dspec:canonicalize-dspec `(method ,(cadr ds) ,@(method-qualifiers meth) ,(mapcar (lambda (spec) (if (consp spec) spec (class-name spec))) (method-specializers meth))))) ) (view-tree (um:nlet iter ((ds ds1)) (if (dspec:dspec-equal ds ds2) (list ds) (let ((found nil)) (setf (gethash ds seen) t) (case (dspec-type ds) (generic-function (let* ((fn (fdefinition (cadr ds))) (methods (clos:generic-function-methods fn))) (dolist (meth methods) (let ((meth-ds (make-method-dspec ds meth))) (unless (gethash meth-ds seen) (um:when-let (path (iter meth-ds)) (push path found))))))) ((function method) (dolist (sub-fn (calls-who ds)) (let ((sub-ds (dspec:canonicalize-dspec sub-fn))) (unless (gethash sub-ds seen) (um:when-let (path (iter sub-ds)) (push path found)))))) ) (when found (cons ds (nreverse found))) ))) dspec1 dspec2)))) Dr. David McClain