clickable static text?
I'm trying to make some hyperlinks with CAPI. Ideally, just some lines of blue underlined text that respond to a mouse click event. Maybe that change color when the mouse is over. I need this for Mac and Windows. But this simple task is proving to be very difficult. At first I tried using the button class, but it always had the button frame around it on the Mac. Next I tried making a custom class that inherited from titled-object and item, but action-callback seems to never be called and none of the standard button handlers work. Lastly, I am drawing a string into an output pane, but on Windows the output pane has gruesome borders around it. While I wait for a reply I'll look at trying to figure out how to remove the borders from my output-pane, but this seems like it should be really simple. Am I overlooking a preprovided CAPI class for doing something like this? Is there a simpler way to make static text respond to the mouse? Thanks, Chris (defclass text-hyperlink (output-pane) ((text :initarg :text :accessor text)) (:default-initargs :display-callback #'draw-text :input-model '(((:button-1 :release) text-hyperlink-click)) :min-height 20)) (defun draw-text (pane x y width height) (declare (ignore width height)) (gp:draw-string pane (text pane) (+ 10 x) (+ 10 y) :foreground :blue)) (defun text-hyperlink-click (pane &rest args) (declare (ignore args)) (debug-msg "click:~S ~S" pane (text pane)))