possible to add columns to capi:multi-column-list-panel?
Is it possible to change the number of columns displayed in a multi- column-list-panel? I can't find any way to change the column specification once the panel has been instantiated. If this isn't possible, could one swap an existing panel in an interface for a new one ? I've tried declaring an accessor for the panel pane and setf'ing like this: (define-interface solution-list-interface () () (:panes (solution-list-pane multi-column-list-panel :accessor solution-list-pane)) (:documentation "A widget displaying solution data in multi-column-list-panel.")) (setf (solution-list-pane interface) (make-instance 'multi-column-list-panel :columns '((:title "#" :width (character 2)) (:title "Word" :width (character 15)) (:title "Gloss" :width (character 15)) (:title "POS" :width (character 15))) :visible-min-height :text-height)) But it seems like it doesn't affect the panel. Any suggestions? Kind regards André