SNARK, INTERN, packages, missing SETF functions
Hello all,
I don't know whether anyone else is using SNARK with Lispworks, but
maybe someone is and has already run into this, or will more readily
recognize what's going on. I've got the "Current version" of SNARK
which, when downloaded, gives a directory "snark-20080805r18". SNARK
is loaded by loading the file "snark-system" and calling the function
MAKE-SNARK-SYSTEM. Here's what happens in a fresh Lisp:
CL-USER 1 > (load "~/Documents/Systems/snark-20080805r018/snark-system.lisp")
; Loading text file
CL-USER 2 > (make-snark-system)
; [lots of files get loaded]
; Running SNARK from
in LispWorks 5.1.2 on Wright.local at 2009-05-09T13:33:45
Error: Undefined operator (SETF DP-CLAUSE-SET-ATOMS-LAST) in form
((SETF DP-CLAUSE-SET-ATOMS-LAST) #:G131242 #:G131243).
1 (continue) Try invoking (SETF DP-CLAUSE-SET-ATOMS-LAST) again.
2 Return some values from the form ((SETF DP-CLAUSE-SET-ATOMS-LAST)
#:G131242 #:G131243).
3 Try invoking something other than (SETF DP-CLAUSE-SET-ATOMS-LAST)
with the same arguments.
4 Set the symbol-function of (SETF DP-CLAUSE-SET-ATOMS-LAST) to
another function.
5 Set the macro-function of (SETF DP-CLAUSE-SET-ATOMS-LAST) to
another function.
6 (abort) Return to level 0.
7 Return to top loop level 0.
Type :b for backtrace, :c <option number> to proceed, or :? for other options
SNARK-USER 3 : 1 > ;; this package is correct -- MAKE-SNARK-SYSTEM
Here's what I've figured out. DP-CLAUSE-SET is a structure, defined by
CL:DEFSTRUCT, and happens in the package SNARK-DPLL:
(defstruct (dp-clause-set (:print-function print-dp-clause-set3) (:copier nil))
(atoms nil) ... (atoms-last nil) ...)
The place where (SETF DP-CLAUSE-SET-ATOMS-LIST) is called is by a
macroexpansion of
(collect atom (dp-clause-set-atoms clause-set))
where that collect form appears in a function in a file starting with
(IN-PACKAGE :SNARK-DPLL). Collect is a macro defined in the SNARK-LISP
package, and its definition is:
(defmacro collect (item place)
;; like (setf place (nconc place (list item)))
;; except last cell of list is remembered in place-last
;; so that operation is O(1)
;; it can be used instead of (push item place) + (nreverse place) loop idiom
;; user must declare place-last variable or slot
(let* ((args (if (atom place)
(mapcar (lambda (arg) (list (gensym) arg)) (rest place))))
(place (if (atom place)
(cons (first place) (mapcar #'first args))))
(place-last (if (atom place)
(intern (concatenate
(symbol-name place)
(symbol-name :-last)))
(cons (intern (concatenate
(symbol-name (first place))
(symbol-name :-last)))
(rest place))))
(v (gensym))
(l (gensym)))
`(let* ((,v (cons ,item nil)) ,@args (,l ,place))
((null ,l)
(setf ,place (setf ,place-last ,v)))
(rplacd ,place-last (setf ,place-last ,v))
which is a bit hairy, but we can get the idea by macroexpanding the
collect form above and getting:
(LET* ((#:G131245 (CONS ATOM NIL))
(#:G131244 CLAUSE-SET)
(#:G131246 (DP-CLAUSE-SET-ATOMS #:G131244)))
(COND ((NULL #:G131246)
(SETF (DP-CLAUSE-SET-ATOMS-LAST #:G131244) #:G131245)))
(SETF (DP-CLAUSE-SET-ATOMS-LAST #:G131244) #:G131245))
Now, since there we see in the above (SETF (DP-CLAUSE-SET-ATOMS-LAST
…) …) we see why the error would arise, if the SETF function weren't
defined. But DEFSTRUCT should have defined those functions. Let's
apropos on "ATOMS-LAST":
SNARK-USER 4 : 1 > (apropos "ATOMS-LAST")
I think those first two are what we'd be concerned with, but they're
not in the SNARK-DPLL package, so maybe that's where the error lies?
Not quite sure what was going on, I modified the collect macro specify
a package in the calls to INTERN, and this got SNARK to run for me:
(place-last (if (atom place)
(intern (concatenate
(symbol-name place)
(symbol-name :-last))
(symbol-package place))
(cons (intern (concatenate
(symbol-name (first place))
(symbol-name :-last))
(symbol-name (first place)))
(rest place))))
I'm writing to the LISP-HUG rather than the Mark Stickel on account of
the fact that I can load SNARK in, e.g., SBCL without a hitch. I
wonder if some strange package things are happening based on the way
the files are loaded and some explicit package manipulation.
Particularly, the MAKE-SNARK-SYSTEM function is defined (in CL-USER):
(defun make-snark-system (&optional (*compile-me* *compile-me*))
(pushnew :snark *features*)
#+cmu (setf extensions::*gc-verbose* nil)
(when (eq *compile-me* :optimize)
(proclaim (print '(optimize (safety 1) (space 1) (speed 3) (debug 1)))))
(with-compilation-unit ()
(dolist (name *snark-files2*)
(let* ((dir (if (consp name)
(append (pathname-directory
*snark-system-pathname*) (butlast name))
(append (pathname-directory
*snark-system-pathname*) (list "src"))))
(name (if (consp name) (first (last name)) name))
(file (make-pathname :directory dir :name name :defaults
(load file)))
(setf *package* (find-package :snark))
#+gcl (shadow '(#:assert #:substitute #:variable))
(dolist (name *snark-files*)
(let* ((dir (if (consp name)
(append (pathname-directory
*snark-system-pathname*) (butlast name))
(append (pathname-directory
*snark-system-pathname*) (list "src"))))
(name (if (consp name) (first (last name)) name))
(file (make-pathname :directory dir :name name :defaults
(load (if *compile-me*
(compile-file file)
(or (probe-file (compile-file-pathname file)) file))))))
;;#-(or symbolics mcl) (load "/home/pacific1/stickel/spice/build.lisp")
(setf *package* (find-package :snark-user))
(setf *print-pretty* nil)
#+openmcl (egc nil)
(funcall (intern (symbol-name :initialize) :snark)))
Sorry for such a long email with so little information. I'm hoping
that someone can more readily see what I'm missing. For the record,
I'm on LWM, 5.1.2 PPC.
Thanks in advance,
Joshua Taylor,
"A lot of good things went down one time,
back in the goodle days."
John Hartford