Fw: Problem with COM and LWW 5.1.2
Thanks Martin.
Sorry for posting from the wrong address. I'm forwarding this to the list
anyway for the record.
I' be grateful if anybody has a clever idea to investigate the problem.
I can add the following :
- the mail store has about 50000 messages
- the problem is not about the particular message where OpenMessage() fails,
because I removed the first message showing the problem and it still happens
after the very same number of messages, but on a different one.
Best regards,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Martin Simmons" <martin@lispworks.com>
To: <fabrice.popineau@free.fr>
Cc: <lisp-hug-approval@lispworks.com>
Sent: Friday, May 01, 2009 5:10 PM
Subject: Re: Problem with COM and LWW 5.1.2
> Hi Fabrice,
> Your message to lisp-hug bounced because the address
> fabrice.popineau@free.fr
> is not subscribed to the list.
> Regarding your original question, I don't see anything wrong with your
> function message-extract-headers.
> --
> Martin Simmons
> LispWorks Ltd
> http://www.lispworks.com/
> --- Original message ---
> From: "Fabrice Popineau" <fabrice.popineau@free.fr>
> To: <lisp-hug@lispworks.com>
> Subject: Problem with COM and LWW 5.1.2
> Date: Fri, 1 May 2009 09:37:35 +0200
> Hi,
> I'm writing some Lisp code to help me sort out my mail messages better
> than Windows Mail (formerly Outlook Express) is able to do. There is a
> COM interface exposed for the Mail Store. The interfaces are
> IStoreNamespace and IStoreFolder.
> I can recursively walk the folder and list the messages. Things are
> going wrong when I'm actually trying to open the messages.
> If I walk the messages and just get their information as returned by
> GetMessageProps(), eveyrthing is ok and I can walk all my mail store.
> If I add the following :
> (defun message-extract-headers (store-folder message-id)
> (multiple-value-bind (return-value stream)
> (com:call-com-interface ((interface store-folder) i-store-folder
> open-message)
> message-id 'i-stream)
> (com:check-hresult return-value "open-message")
> (com:release stream)
> nil))
> ie : doing nothing but opening the message and releasing the stream, the
> program stops after 10k messages (exactly : 10830 messages), with an
> error being unable to open the next message. I'm a bit stuck : what can
> I do to it? Is it possible there is a memory leak (or handle leak)
> happening behind ? Any idea on how to overcome the problem ?
> I want to open the messages to grab headers not directly exposed by the
> IStoreFolder api.
> Thanks for any help,
> Fabrice