compiler error involving #+ and an undefined reader macro, #_
Trying to compile the local-time library, available at It has this function definition, which gets an error at the #_gettimeofday: (defun %unix-gettimeofday () "Cross-implementation gettimeofday abstraction" #+cmu (unix:unix-gettimeofday) #+sbcl (sb-unix:unix-gettimeofday) #+ccl (ccl::rlet ((tv :timeval)) (#_gettimeofday tv (ccl::%null-ptr)) ;; <=== ERROR on #_ (values t (ccl::pref tv :timeval.tv_sec) (ccl::pref tv :timeval.tv_usec))) #-(or cmu sbcl ccl) (values t (get-universal-time) 0)) :ccl is not in *FEATURES*. I got around it by #-ccl (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\_ (constantly nil)) which seems to work. (On the other hand, I'm not terribly familiar with reader macros, so this may've been, uh, sub-optimal. :) My question is, why does LW try to process the reader macro at all, since it's protected (if that's the right word) by #+ccl? -- Larry