Re: Why and how is state retained between these function calls?
Hi Rolv
Short answer: you've got got '(nil) which is a constant and you're
modifying it - self modifying code ! Head for the hills, all bets are
off. Try replacing with a version that makes a fresh list every time:
I.e., (cons nil nil).
Earth First
(we'll take care of the other planets later)
On Mar 22, 2009, at 5:45 AM, Rolv Seehuus <>
> Hi,
> I'm in the process of learning lisp, and stumbled upon something I
> find a bit curious. While solving problem 09 of
> ,
> I try to piggyback the solution list as an argument to an auxiliary
> procedure as a list of lists. I have distilled the problem down to a
> couple of lines of code here:
> ;; What is happening here?
> (defun my-wtf (lst)
> (my-wtf-aux lst (first lst) '(nil)))
> (defun my-wtf-aux (lst current res)
> (format t "current: ~a res: ~b~%" current res)
> (setf (first res)
> (cons (first lst) (first res)))
> res)
> (defun do-wtf ()
> (dolist (x '(1 2 3 4 5 6))
> (my-wtf (list x))))
> Some how, the state of the input argument gets retained in between
> calls. As can be seen in the output from lispbox here some how a list
> of the inputs in binary form is built:
> CL-USER> (do-wtf)
> current: 1 res: (NIL)
> current: 2 res: ((1))
> current: 3 res: ((10 1))
> current: 4 res: ((11 10 1))
> current: 5 res: ((100 11 10 1))
> current: 6 res: ((101 100 11 10 1))
> The result seem to be identical in SBCL and LispWorks, so I take this
> as a sign that "ehrm, this is perfectly sane behaviour tied to what
> setf really do and you dont want to do it this way in CL". I am really
> curious about what's really happening. If anyone could shed some light
> on this, that would make my day.
> Thanx,
> Rolv Seehuus