Binding cmd-e on Mac?
I've been trying to make Cmd-e on Mac set up the current find string. I've written an editor command that will do that, but it doesn't want to bind to that key. Here's the command: (defcommand "Use Selection for Find" (p) "Makes the selection the current find string" "Makes the selection the current find string" (declare (ignore p)) (when (region-active-p) (let ((pt-string (points-to-string (current-point) (current- mark)))) (push pt-string lispworks-tools::*editing-interface-find- strings*)))) and I'm binding it with: (mac-bind-key "Use Selection for Find" "Hyper-e") in my lispworks-init.lisp. There seems to be something special about Cmd-keys. command-to-key reports the binding correctly, but I can't type Cmd-e for key-to-command. I don't want to set the preference to use Cmd as Meta, either. I think that would be too confusing. Ideally, I'd rather add a menu item named "Use Selection for Find", but I don't see how to do that. Any ideas or suggestions? Thanks. - Stoney -- Stonewall Ballard