Menus on Mac OS X
On Mac OS X, when running a CAPI app with menus inside the LW IDE, the menus appear in the LW Application menu between Preferences... and Services. When running the delivered app, the menus look fine. I haven't found information regarding this in the documentation, so: 1. Is this the normal behaviour? When closing the app which is run inside the LW IDE, the apps menus are left in the LW Application menu. After running the app a couple of times, this results in multiple sets of menus between Preferences... and Services in the LW Application menu. 2. Is it possible to get rid of these menus when closing the app, or should I not bother since it is not the same in the delievered app? I have a dynamic menu, where I compute the menu-items using the :items-function. This function seems to be triggered every time I press anywhere in the menubar, not only on the menu with the :items- function. This happens during development in the LW IDE and also in the delivered app. I expected the items-function to trigger when choosing the menu, right before the menu-items are shown, but this is not the case. 3. Why does it trigger when clicking anywhere in the menubar and not only when clicking the specific menu? Thanks in advance! /Sven