Scroll-bar 'flashing' in divider layout
Hi, I need to add scroll-bars to implement custom scrolling on two output-panes with a divider, as in the following rudimentary example - (define-interface test () () (:panes (pane1 output-pane) (scroll-x scroll-bar) (scroll-y scroll-bar :orientation :vertical) (pane2 output-pane)) (:layouts (top row-layout '(pane1 scroll-y)) (main-layout column-layout '(top scroll-x :divider pane2))) (:default-initargs :layout 'main :best-height 600 :best-width 800)) When I resize using the divider, however, the horizontal scroll-bar 'flashes' (a better description might be that it 'judders', seeming to slip out of place as I move the divider). This doesn't occur if I just add scroll-bars using the normal initargs, but I need to add them separately to implement my scrolling. Any help on this very much appreciated. Using Lispworks 5.1.1 Personal on XP. Thanks in advance, Chris