Re: capi:Multi-column-list-panel
I have also been working on my first major CAPI application recently,
and my first expectation for multi-column list was that I could either
create (input and checkbox) panes directly inside columns, or at least
popup an editor for cells and have a checkbox for each row.
We are rewriting an application where selecting and marking rows are
two seperate concepts, like in iTunes. It has been very popular among
Best regards,
Mikko Ahonen
On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 8:04 PM, Brian Connoy
<> wrote:
> Denis Pousseur <> writes:
>> Hi Martin,
>>> I need post the usual caveat here: using undocumented internals of CAPI (or
>>> any other LW package) is not something that we support or recommend.
>> Yes I know. But why not to give us an exported and documented access to the
>> NSPointers ? It could be a great facilities for some Mac users/developpers
>> and should be the natural complement of the objc package.
>>> Do other applications have this column-specific clicking behavior? If not,
>>> then you are potentially making your interface confusing for end users.
>> If the COCOA Application Kit propose the function "columnAtPoint:", I
>> suppose it's because it has some interest for some people.
>> For instance, double-clicking in a cell to open a box and change a value is
>> something extensively used by the Plist editor on mac OS X. Xcode has also
>> some checkbox in columns. So it doesn't appear very clear to me that this
>> usage is a source of "confusion" (is it not the contrary ?).
>> Best regards
>> Denis
> Hi all,
> FWIW, I've been chipping away at my first major CAPI application. My
> very first expectation, on discovering multi-column-list-panel, was the
> ability to double click on individual "fields" and edit values contained
> therein. Got stumped at that point and took a different approach.
> My computer exposure has been exclusively MS Windows based.
> Brian C.