Re: Strange and nasty error in OS X
Hi there,
Yes, this is Leopard's weird security system. In the firewall settings
of your system, don't select "Set access for specific services and
applications", but only either "Allow all incoming connections" or
"Allow only essential services."
Leopard stores firewall settings per application in the application
file itself when you select the wrong option here, and this destroys
the LispWorks image.
On 9 Oct 2008, at 23:14, Bob Hutchison wrote:
> Hi,
> On occasion when I'm running Hunchentoot in LW 5.5.1 when I quit LW
> when trying to restart LW I get the following error:
> Lisp executable xfasl-image.static apparently corrupted.
> (Truncated?) Cannot restart.
> I'm having to copy the from a backup overtop the
> version in /Applications/...
> Any idea what might be causing this?
> I've asked the Hunchentoot mailing list as well.
> Cheers,
> Bob
Pascal Costanza,,
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Programming Technology Lab
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussel, Belgium