Re: Problem compiling Maxima
huh...interesting...I didn't know a version of Macsyma was even still
around...20+ years ago I traveled to Los Alamos (with my machine)
and ported DOE-Macsyma to the TI Explorer Lisp Machine...twice (first
time was Rel 2 (1986), second was the much more CL Rel 3 (1988)).
one of the things I did was take a self-test mechanism (which I think
originated with Bill Shelter at UT, but didn't work, and his macsyma
attempt didn't work either) and make it behave cleanly, and create a
set of self-tests which you could batch-run to verify build-tests.
this was important because that was some god-awfully sloppy code,
that was also just about incomprehensible, and written for previous
dialects of Lisp that had subtle differences (heck, on the Explorer
itself I got weirdly different behaviors, depending on how I compiled
things (defsystem vs file vs function) that took me a while to figure
haven't thought about that in years...wonder if I still have that old
monster on backup'd be a shame for that code/tool to just
vanish...there ought to be a way to "productize" an open version of
it, I'd think.
what is the origin of this Macsyma version?
-- clint hyde
On Aug 17, 2008, at 1:30 PM, Reinhard Oldenburg wrote:
> Dear all.
> I tried to compile the Maxima computer algebra system (version
> 5.16.1) with Lispworks Personal 5.1.1. Running configure.lisp,
> (maxima-compile) and (maxima-load) all passed without problems, but
> after (cl-user::run) I got the followiung error message: