CL readtable hack help
Hi, dear Lisp-HUG guys
I'm working on Common Lisp <-> ASN.1 language mapping. I want to hack
CL readtable to be a ASN.1 lexer, and use LispWorks' Parsergen package
to translate ASN.1 token list into Common Lisp forms, then compile
them into CLOS types.
Now I can translate following ASN.1 type definition (only a demo,
parser not finished):
ASN.1 37 > (parse "Record ::= SEQUENCE {
name PrintableString (SIZE (1..30)),
gender ENUMERATED { unknown(0)
famale(2) }}")
(DEFCLASS |Record|
((|name| :TYPE STRING)
(|gender| :TYPE (MEMBER '|unknown| '|male| '|famale|))))
But I met some issues when hacking CL readtable:
1. In ASN.1, "--" is the beginning of A comment (to the end of current
line or next "--" on the same line), so I must set #\- as a macro-
character. Since I should be break a legal identifier with "-" as a
part, #\- must be a non-terminal macro-character:
(set-macro-character #\- #'|--reader| t *asn.1-readtable*)
(defun |--reader| (stream char)
(let ((next-char (read-char stream t nil t)))
(case next-char
(#\- (|---reader| stream char next-char))
((#\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9)
(unread-char next-char stream)
(let ((possible-number (read stream t nil t)))
(etypecase possible-number
(number (- possible-number))
(symbol (intern (concatenate 'string "-" (symbol-name
(t (unread-char next-char stream)
2. In ASN.1, ".." and "..." are used as primitive symbol/token, so I
must also set #\. as macro character too. I hope "a..b" can be read as
|a|, |..|, |b| but since I still want to use CL to parse numbers, this
character also must be non-terminal, so "a..b" only be read as |a..b|,
this is a little bad:
(set-macro-character #\. #'|.-reader| t *asn.1-readtable*)
(defun |.-reader| (stream char)
(let ((next-char (read-char stream t nil t)))
(case next-char
(#\. (|..-reader| stream char next-char))
((#\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9)
(unread-char next-char stream)
(read-from-string (format nil "0.~D" (read stream t nil t))))
(t (unread-char next-char stream)
3. Above two hacks caused a "minus" number cannot be read directly
because a number begin with "-" will be done in my |--reader|
function, my solution is: read the positive number instead and turn it
into a minus number use #'-
4. Above 3 hacks cause "-2147483648..2147483647" cannot be read as I
wish: |-| and |2147483648..2147483647|, this is bad, what I want is
-2147483648, |..| and 2147483647
Any expert can give me some advice on readtable programming? I attach
the reader source, and the whole source is in my subversion repository
[1] (quite big)
Chun Tian (binghe)