Optimization Question?
Here is a fast implementation of a routine to find the power of 2 equal to or larger than the input value (an integer):(defun ceiling-pwr2 (n)
(declare (fixnum n))
(labels ((iter (n nsh)
(declare (fixnum n nsh))
(logior n (ash n nsh))))
(declare (inline iter))
(1+ (iter
(iter (1- n) -1)
On disassembly for x86 architecture it produces the following:
0: 3B25EC330020 cmp esp, [200033EC] ; SYSTEM:*%STACK-LIMIT
6: 7658 jbe L1
8: 80FD01 cmpb ch, 1
11: 7553 jne L1
13: 55 push ebp
14: 89E5 move ebp, esp
16: 83E804 sub eax, 4
19: 89C7 move edi, eax
21: C1FF01 sar edi, 1
24: 81E7FCFFFFFF and edi, -4
30: 0BC7 or eax, edi
32: 89C7 move edi, eax
34: C1FF02 sar edi, 2
37: 81E7FCFFFFFF and edi, -4
43: 0BC7 or eax, edi
45: 89C7 move edi, eax
47: C1FF04 sar edi, 4
50: 81E7FCFFFFFF and edi, -4
56: 0BC7 or eax, edi
58: 89C7 move edi, eax
60: C1FF08 sar edi, 8
63: 81E7FCFFFFFF and edi, -4
69: 0BC7 or eax, edi
71: 89C7 move edi, eax
73: C1FF10 sar edi, 10
76: 81E7FCFFFFFF and edi, -4
82: 0BC7 or eax, edi
84: 89C7 move edi, eax
86: 83C704 add edi, 4
89: 700A jo L2
91: FD std
92: 89F8 move eax, edi
94: C9 leave
95: C3 ret
L1: 96: E8FBDD3DFE call 20115DC2 ; #<Function RUNTIME:BAD-ARGS-OR-STACK 20115DC2>
L2: 101: FF7500 push [ebp]
104: 83ED04 sub ebp, 4
107: 8B7508 move esi, [ebp+8]
110: 897504 move [ebp+4], esi
113: C7450804000000 move [ebp+8], 4
120: B502 moveb ch, 2
122: C9 leave
123: FF2524880120 jmp [20018824] ; SYSTEM::+$INTEGER
129: 90 nop
So the question I have, for any Lisp compiler experts out there, is "how can I coax the compiler to elide these AND operations?"
Dr. David McClain
Chief Technical Officer
Refined Audiometrics Laboratory
4391 N. Camino Ferreo
Tucson, AZ 85750
email: dbm@refined-audiometrics.com
phone: 1.520.390.3995