A LWL personal 5.1.1 bug?
Hi, Lisp-hug Anyone who have LWL Personal 5.1.1 can help me confirm this issue? Using following steps: 1. Start a LispWorks Personal Edition 5.1.1 (x86-linux) 2. Load some asdf config 3. Load Edi's CL-PPCRE and LW-ADD-ONS (latest version) 4. Close current LispWorks Listener 5. Close LispWorks Main window, and choose "Quit Lisp". Then you may see this: LispWorks(R): The Common Lisp Programming Environment Personal Edition Copyright (C) 1987-2008 LispWorks Ltd. All rights reserved. Version 5.1.1 Saved by LispWorks as lispworks-personal-5-1-1-x86-linux, at 13 May 2008 17:15 User binghe on debian-amd64 <**>wrong header in mark-entry temp =217390a0,cur-field =219543d8 object =219543d0 header =217390c0 ;>>>>> dumping 219543d0 [1] limit 21d60000 ;> 219543d0: 82018096 219543c5 217390a1 82008096 ;>>>>> dumping 219543c8 [5] limit 21d60000 ;> 219543c8: 21954373 219543b9 82018096 219543c5 ;> 219543d8: 217390a1 82008096 2015f57b 26 ;> 219543e8: 82008096 219543dd 21915c1d 82008096 ;> 219543f8: 203b37e3 218f5c59 a2a08036 21677823 ;> 21954408: 1c 56 a2a0804e 418 ;>>>>> dumping 21739090 [5] limit 21d60000 ;> 21739090: 20199d52 217390ad ffffff96 217390d4 ;> 217390a0: 217390c0 20199ccc 20197f93 90ff8096 ;> 217390b0: 56 56 56 217390ad ;> 217390c0: 21739100 21226ce4 56 20004003 ;> 217390d0: 2171b237 ffffff96 217391b4 21739100 <**>wrong header in mark-entry temp =217390a0,cur-field =21a83fe0 object =21a83fd8 header =217390c0 ;>>>>> dumping 21a83fd8 [1] limit 21d60000 ;> 21a83fd8: 82018096 21a83fcd 217390a1 82008096 ;>>>>> dumping 21a83fd0 [5] limit 21d60000 ;> 21a83fd0: 21a83f7b 21a83fc1 82018096 21a83fcd ;> 21a83fe0: 217390a1 82008096 2015f57b 26 ;> 21a83ff0: 82008096 21a83fe5 21a83f6d 82008096 ;> 21a84000: 203b37e3 218d6395 82008096 21a83ffd ;> 21a84010: 56 82008096 21a84561 218d5c9f ;>>>>> dumping 21739090 [5] limit 21d60000 ;> 21739090: 20199d52 217390ad ffffff96 217390d4 ;> 217390a0: 217390c0 20199ccc 20197f93 90ff8096 ;> 217390b0: 56 56 56 217390ad ;> 217390c0: 21739100 21226ce4 56 20004003 ;> 217390d0: 2171b237 ffffff96 217391b4 21739100 <**>wrong header in mark-entry temp =217390a0,cur-field =21aa0338 object =21aa0330 header =217390c0 ;>>>>> dumping 21aa0330 [1] limit 21d60000 ;> 21aa0330: 82018096 21aa0325 217390a1 82008096 ;>>>>> dumping 21aa0328 [5] limit 21d60000 ;> 21aa0328: 21aa232f 21aa0319 82018096 21aa0325 ;> 21aa0338: 217390a1 82008096 2015f57b 26 ;> 21aa0348: 82008096 21aa033d 21aa2321 82008096 ;> 21aa0358: 203b37e3 218f5c59 82008096 21aa0355 ;> 21aa0368: 56 82008096 21aa0869 218f520f ;>>>>> dumping 21739090 [5] limit 21d60000 ;> 21739090: 20199d52 217390ad ffffff96 217390d4 ;> 217390a0: 217390c0 20199ccc 20197f93 90ff8096 ;> 217390b0: 56 56 56 217390ad ;> 217390c0: 21739100 21226ce4 56 20004003 ;> 217390d0: 2171b237 ffffff96 217391b4 21739100 Warning: Error of type SYSTEM::EXCEPTION in Xt event loop level 1. While handling mailbox event. "Segmentation violation(11) [code 0] at F6B1568A eax 0 ; ebx F6B4A75C ; ecx 20F4FADD ; edx F4D9 esp F699A1DC ; ebp F699A1F4 ; esi 0 ; edi 2006A1AA" I'm running Debian, both 32-bit and 64-bit Debian have this issue. If I don't load Edi's CL-PPCRE and CL-ADD-ONS, nothing wrong. So I think I shouldn't send this mail directly to LispWorks support... Regards, Chun Tian (binghe)