Re: split editor window
Actually, LispWorks /does/ have this feature. Try out: C-x 5, and C-x
6. C-x 5 does a horizontal split (two side by side panes) and C-x 6
does a vertical split (two stacked panes).
M-x Describe Bindings gives a list of keybindings, and the following
is taken from that:
Ctrl-x 0 Delete Window
Ctrl-x 1 Delete Other Windows
Ctrl-x 2 New Window
Ctrl-x 4 b Select Buffer Other Window
Ctrl-x 5 Split Window Horizontally
Ctrl-x 6 Split Window vertically
Ctrl-x 7 Unsplit Window
On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 2:52 PM, Paul Tarvydas
<> wrote:
> On Thursday 03 July 2008 2:11:07 pm Chris Perkins wrote:
>> Does LispWorks 5.1 have a split editor window capability? If so, where
>> do I find it?
> I miss this feature, too. I asked this question a few years ago and got the
> answer "no".
> But (!), now that you mention it, there is nothing preventing you (or someone)
> from defining an interface with more than one visible editor pane.
> Very briefly, something like this:
> (in-package "COMMON-LISP-USER")
> (capi:define-interface split-edit ()
> ()
> (:panes
> (editor-pane-1
> capi:editor-pane)
> (editor-pane-2
> capi:editor-pane)
> (echo-area-pane-1
> capi:echo-area-pane
> :external-max-height '(:character 1)))
> (:layouts
> (column-layout-1
> capi:column-layout
> '(editor-pane-1 editor-pane-2 echo-area-pane-1)))
> (:default-initargs
> :best-height 501
> :best-width 424
> :layout 'column-layout-1
> :title "Interface-1"))
> (defun sedit ()
> (capi:display (make-instance 'split-edit)))
> Obviously, new editor key-bindings would need to be made to navigate this
> interface, change buffers and make it more emacs-multi-pane-like. (I suspect
> that if one read through the editor source or asked nicely, it might even be
> possible to "integrate" such buffers with the other tools in the ide).
> pt
Joshua Taylor,
"A lot of good things went down one time,
back in the goodle days."
John Hartford