Print error from delivered application
Hello all, I'm trying to create a printed report from my windows delivered application, but it won't work. I must be missing something obvious. Here is an example test application showing my problem: print-test.lisp: (in-package :user) (defun kill-a-tree () (capi:with-print-job (port) (gp:draw-string port "Killing a tree" 20 20))) This prints some (very small) text when called from lispworks listener. Here is the delivery script: delivery.lisp: (in-package :user) (load-all-patches) (compile-file "print-test") (load "print-test") (deliver 'user::kill-a-tree "print-test" 0 :interface :capi) Here is what I get when running the application : Error: #<Unbound Marker> fell through ETYPECASE expression. Wanted one of (WIN32:LOGICAL-FONT SYMBOL). 1 (abort) Quit process. Type :b for backtrace, :c <option number> to proceed, or :? for other options CL-USER 1 : 1 > :b Call to WIN32::STOCK-FONT-PROTOTYPE Call to WIN32:DEVICE-STOCK-FONT Call to WIN32::INIT-DEVICE-MEMORY-DC Call to (METHOD CAPI-LIBRARY::OPEN-PRINTER (CAPI-WIN32-LIB::R-PRINTER T)) Call to KILL-A-TREE Call to DELIVERY::MAYBE-RYB-TOP-LEVEL Call to (SUBFUNCTION MP::PROCESS-SG-FUNCTION MP::INITIALIZE-PROCESS-STACK) Thanks in advance for any pointers you guys could provide to me as how to correct this problem. My configurations is : Windows XP SP2 Lispworks 5.1 Printer : HP 950c (though i can't imagine how this would affect the end result) Sacha De Vos