What is #.(enable-meta-syntax)?
I'm trying to compile langutils, which is basically only supported on Allegro (boo hiss). I've fixed a couple of things while trying to asdf it into the system, but I think it's dying on this line: #.(enable-meta-syntax) Does anyone know what this is, exactly? I'm getting the following error: **++++ Error in (TOP-LEVEL-FORM 19): Object #<Function META::META-READER 215608B2> is of type FUNCTION which is not externalizable to #<STREAM::LATIN-1-FILE-STREAM /Users/ paladin/dev/lisp/packages/langutils-1.0/langutils/src/t_tokenize.xfasl>. Or am I wrong in thinking this is the problem? Anyone? Cheers, John H. Doe (my real name)