Re: Format ~g directive question
we had a similar issue with other Lisps, and our workaround was to
bind *read-default-float-format* to 'double-float and then use ~F to
print floats. Give it a try and let me know if that works for you,
On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 1:36 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe <> wrote:
> Hi,
> This is probably a beginners kind of question, but it really puzzles me.
> I want to print floating point numbers that conform to the JSON
> specification,
> or
> Examples are: 1.5 -1.5 1.5E10 1.5E-40
> So I don't want CL's D notation to be used anywhere, and I don't want
> exponential notation unless it is really needed. It is easy to handle pure
> integers seperately.
> So I thought ~g would do the trick, and it does, but it does something else
> as well:
> CL-USER 3 > (format nil "~,,,,,,'Eg" pi)
> "3.141592653589793 "
> CL-USER 4 > (format nil "~,,,,,,'Eg" (expt 2 30))
> "1.0737418E+9"
> It prints excess spaces at the end, even without any options:
> CL-USER 5 > (format nil "~g" pi)
> "3.141592653589793 "
> Not just in LispWorks, but in other CL's as well, so this is probably
> somehow normal behavior.
> So the question is, what is going on, and how can I solve this
> without doing something as silly as trimming the excess spaces ?
> Thx,
> Sven