open/save RTF error
Hi everybody, I discovered interesting error, The easyest way to explain is: On Windows (i triend Czech and English languages versions), open capi applications example "Rich Text Editor" and try to save or load rtf file. If fails with error: No applicable methods for #<STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION STREAM::OS-FILE-HANDLE-STREAM-FILE-HANDLE 206FE07A> with args (#<STREAM::EF-FILE-STREAM C:\abakan.rtf>) I saw the it uses function WIN32::RICH-TEXT-WRITE-FILE So it explains to me why it works perfect on Mac OS X. I tried it on many computers and many versions 4.5, 5.0.1 and 5.1. It works to me only on one computer. And of course a I need it on others :) I think somethink wrong happened to windows, because in past it worked every were. Please anyone, can you help me?