Hello, I have a pane generally drawn on a offscreen port and then pasted to the port with the gp:pixblt function. On the other hand I draw also directly on the visible port, for instance for some selection rectangle. If I draw on the visible port with mask, and directly after draw on the offscreen port and paste the pixels to the visible port, it doesn't work's normally : the gp:pixblt operation seems to be always on the scope of the previous call to with-score-mask. However it's not (and the mask slot is NIL in the graphics-port-graphics-state structure...). So I tried : (with-graphics-mask (pane pane-geometry) (pixblt ...)), to force the mask to reset, but it doesn¹t change anything. The only solution I found, is to draw something (for instance one white point) in the visible port, and then the mask on this port seems to be really erased... Anybody experiment something similar ? Thanks by advance Denis ------------------------------------------------------- Denis Pousseur 70 rue de Wansijn 1180 Bruxelles, Belgique Tel : 32 (0)2 219 31 09 Mail : -------------------------------------------------------