Conversion of MS Date received via Com/Automation - To whom it may concern
Hi All, if I got things right, LispWorks Com/Automation does no conversion on Date values received from a call. 'COM/Automation User Guide and Reference Manual' explictely says in '3.3.3 Data conversion when calling Automation methods': DATE, VT_DATE - not supported. So we simply obtain a double-float value. I hacked a function which converts this float into universal-time, so we can use decode-universal-time: (defun uni (ms-time) "Convert Microsoft Datetime value received via LispWorks COM/Automation interface into universal-time." (multiple-value-bind (q r) (floor ms-time) (+ (- (* (- q 2) 86400) 3600) (round (* r 86400))))) A few tests did not reveal any errors. Andreas (Rem: I currently needs this to read MS Outlook Calendar entries)