Re: delivered application freezing
I assume the app runs OK as an undelivered application on the same
machine. If it does, deliver the
application a level 0 and see if it triggers the debugger. If you
deliver the app at too high a level
you can get various crashes (without errors signaled). The shaker
can strip too much out the
system and cause problems (I have usually had to set some important
delivery keywords at level 5 to
get things working)
Can you post the delivery script you are using? It would be
informative. (Also, are you using
defstruct and/or defclass in your app?)
On 7-Feb-08, at 9:59 PM, Sheldon Ball wrote:
> Greetings,
> I have a LW 5.0 delivered application 100 MB in size running on
> Veterans Administration (VA) Computers, Windows XP Professional 496
> MB of RAM, concurrently running Outlook, Word, Internet Explorer,
> and the VA computerized medical record system (CPRS).
> The application seems to run efficiently, except too frequently
> freezes, forcing a delay and quitting the application. The freezing
> behavior is not reproducible. Attempts to reproduce the error
> result in the expected and desired behavior. No error is signaled.
> Any suggestions on how to approach a problem like this?
> Thanks,
> Sheldon