Persistent output-pane plist
A new interface instance retains a plist property I set in a previous instance. The interface includes an output-pane which uses a plist property to store text for display. If I setf the property, a second instance of the interface retains the plist property from the first instance. If the output-panes are created using contain, this persistence isn't seen. If the plist is set to nil in the define-interface, all is as expected. How does the new instance even know about the previous instance? Thank you for any insight. Mitch (capi:define-interface test-plist () () (:panes (test-pane capi:output-pane :accessor test-pane :plist '(:text nil) :display-callback 'draw-text-pane)) (:layouts (main-layout capi:column-layout '(test-pane))) (:default-initargs :layout 'main-layout :best-width 100 :best-height 20)) (defun draw-text-pane (pane x y width height) (declare (ignore x y width height)) (gp:clear-graphics-port pane) (gp:draw-string pane (capi:capi-object-property pane :text) 10 10)) (defun set-text-property (pane string) (setf (capi:capi-object-property pane :text) string) (draw-text-pane pane nil nil nil nil)) (defun test-persist () (capi:display (make-instance 'test-plist))) > (setf interface1 (test-persist)) > (capi:apply-in-pane-process interface1 #'set-text-property (test-pane interface1) "hello") > (setf interface2 (test-persist))