Hi to those working with the COM package, I've been using LW COM/Automation to interact with AutoCAD. All seemed to be working fine, till I hit this "show stopper". DARF 52 > ;; The symbol pointing to the com-interface: obj obj #<COM interface I-ACAD-BLOCK-REFERENCE-2 = 001BE744> DARF 53 > ;; There is a method called GetAttributes (gethash "GetAttributes" (slot-value (com::get-i-dispatch-interface-desc obj) 'com::method-specs)) #S(COM::METHOD-SPEC-ENTRY :NAME "GetAttributes" :ID 9 :INVKIND 1 :IDL-FLAGS #()) T DARF 54 > ;; Call it: (invoke-dispatch-method obj "GetAttributes") Error: The call (#<Function COM::CHECK-INTERFACE-ADD-REF 21888742> #<COM interface I-DISPATCH = 001D3124>) does not match definition (#<Function COM::CHECK-INTERFACE-ADD-REF 21888742> COM::INTERFACE-POINTER COM::BYREF ADD-REF). <<list of restarts>> If I understand this correctly, internally the LW call to COM::CHECK-INTERFACE-ADD-REF is botched? I get the same outcome using (call-dispatch-method). Not knowing if the *bug* is in my use of LW, or LW itself, thought I'd better post this first. Thanks, Brian C.