What is the method environment-internals:environment-display-notifier ? Are there some docs on it anywhere? When I: - start up a tty-only LispWorks image - run comm:start-up-server to create a new repl - connect to that repl using telnet - and enter the debugger using (break) I get a debugger in the original repl complaining about the missing definition for environment-display-notifier. Cheers, Chris Dean Error: No applicable methods for #<STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION ENVIRONMENT-INTERNALS:ENVIRONMENT-DISPLAY-NOTIFIER 208733D2> with args (#<ENVIRONMENT:TTY-ENVIRONMENT 209855F7> :CONDITION #<SIMPLE-ERROR 200B2D2B> :RESTARTS (#<RESTART CONTINUE 2184EFBB> #<RESTART CONTINUE 2150E2DB> #<RESTART CONTINUE 215280DB> #<RESTART CONTINUE 21521727> #<RESTART CONTINUE 2151BD4B> #<RESTART CONTINUE 21517347> #<RESTART CONTINUE 215149EF> #<RESTART CONTINUE 21512DAF> #<RESTART ABORT 21512DE7>)) 1 (continue) Call #<STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION ENVIRONMENT-INTERNALS:ENVIRONMENT-DISPLAY-NOTIFIER 208733D2> again ....