Confusion/Bug with coerce 'simple-string
This seems like a bug, but I might just be confused. I have an array that is not a simple-string. This array has elements in it which are not of type base-char. When I try to coerce this to a simple-string I get an error: (let ((s (make-array 5 :element-type 'character :adjustable t :fill-pointer 5 :initial-element (code-char 8217)))) (coerce s 'simple-string)) => #\’ is not of type BASE-CHAR. [Condition of type TYPE-ERROR] It seems like there is a bug in coerce that assumes that the resulting string must be made up of BASE-CHAR elements. Can someone verify that this is a bug? FWIW, sbcl has no problem with this code. (This bug is exercised when you use CL-PPCRE, since it uses simple-strings internally.) Cheers, Chris Dean