Character writing question
I have a trivial form to dump some html data read via drakma, currently in sbcl: (setf *drakma-default-external-format* :utf8) (with-open-file (s (pathname (concatenate 'string "/tmp/tm-" name ".html")) :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (write-sequence page s)) And I get this error in WRITE-SEQUENCE: Error: #\' is not of type BASE-CHAR where the ' is (I believe) the Windows single quote character. OTOH, if I add :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8) to the OPEN args I get this: "..." contains non-integer element #\Newline. also in WRITE-SEQUENCE. I'm sure this is a simple fix. Thanks in advance for your help and patience. Jonathon McKitrick -- My other computer is your Windows box.