Using Lispworks open-pipe in windows
Hi all,I have written a perl script that is running an infinite loop keeping
track of windows that come to the foreground (if anyone knows of a
good way to do this in LISP, I'd be thrilled). I am working on
Windows XP. When I run:
cmd /c "D:\" from the run menu, it works great. It
opens up a DOS style window that shows the window handles of all the
windows as they come to the foreground. When I run:
(sys:call-system "cmd /c D:\\Perl\\get-") it works
great. It even works great when I use call-system-showing-output.
Both bring up the DOS style window with the correct output.
But, I need some way to keep a handle on the windows that are being
returned, so I'm trying to run it with:
(setf test (sys:open-pipe "cmd /c D:\\Perl\\get-")).
That doesn't seem to run well at all! First of all, it creates a
process in my taskmgr called "perl.exe" that is taking up 99% of my
CPU cycles. Nothing else can run while this is running. Second, I
can't seem to read anything that's there. (read-line test) just
hangs, and (read-char-no-hang test) returns NIL.
Does anyone know what is going on, and how to use open-pipe correctly
on windows?
If it matters, here's a copy of the perl script:
#!perl -w
use Win32::GuiTest qw{:ALL};
use FileHandle;
use strict;
use Socket;
use IO::Handle; # thousands of lines just for autoflush :-(
use IO::Select;
or die "socketpair: $!";
my @windows;
my $pid = fork();
my $gotit = 1;
my $selchild = IO::Select->new;
my $selstdin = IO::Select->new;
my @childhandle;
my @parenthandle;
my $timeout = .1;
my $input;
if ($pid) {
while (1) {
my @foreground = GetForegroundWindow();
if (grep {$_ eq $foreground[0]} @windows) {
; #do nothing
} else {
push(@windows, $foreground[0]);
print "@windows\n";
if (@childhandle = $selchild->can_read($timeout)) {
chomp(my $update = <CHILD>);
print "Update = $update\n";
$gotit = 0;
if ($gotit == 0) {
my $winhandle = shift(@windows);
print "$winhandle\n";
$gotit = 1;
$input = <>;
if ($input) {
print PARENT $input;