Problems with delivering a cocoa application
I'm delivering a cocoa application and I've run into some trouble that I'm hoping someone has seen before. I'm working from the example files: capi/applications/cocoa-application.lisp and deliver/macos/full-application.lisp. After rolling my own interface out of capi::cocoa-default-application-interface with both the :applicaiton-menu and :message-callback features, I delivered the app. The toplevel function to deliver calls capi:set-application-interface and then some other initializations. Problems: My application menu does not appear in the menu bar. Instead, I get what seems to be an automatically generated application menu whose 1st item points to my application menu. The result looks very similiar to what happens if you call capi::set-application-inferface from inside a running lisp. Double-clicking on a file only partially works. If the application is already open, then the file is read into the app. However, if the application is not already open, then the app is started, but no files are read in. thanks for any helpful hints ed