CAPI Sync Functions?
In the documentation, the admonition is to use APPLY-IN-PANE-PROCESS or EXECUTE-WITH-INTERFACE, if any attempt is made to read or write or alter the display of a CAPI displayed pane.But INTERFACEs are also SIMPLE-PANEs, as are just about every other kind of displayed CAPI item. So far the only "distinction" I can find in the documentation between these two functions is that EXECUTE-WITH-INTERFACE says it runs in the event loop of the window the next time that loop is performed, while the documentation for APPLY-IN-PANE-PROCESS remains silent in this regard.
Does this imply that APPLY-WITH-INTERFACE performs an immediate thread switch to execute the function in the pane's process before returning to the caller, while EXECUTE-WITH-INTERFACE returns immediately?
The lack of a generic function cannot be ascribed to a desire to avoid CLOS, since all of CAPI is written in CLOS. There must be some intent on the part of the authors to permit the choice of one function over the other.
Since an INTERFACE is also a SIMPLE-PANE, does anyone know when I should choose one of these functions over the other? The existence of two such functions, applicable to an INTERFACE, instead of a single generic "SYNC-WITH-CAPI" function, there is the implicit suggestion that one might choose one function on an INTERFACE at some times over the other.
David McClain
Chief Technical Officer
Refined Audiometrics Laboratory
4391 N. Camino Ferreo
Tucson, AZ 85750
phone: 1.520.390.3995
Skype: dbmcclain