Re: lispworks ide cannot open
Aus Firdaus,
I didn't notice that your previous message wasn't on the list. Here
are the missing exchanges:
Tq Jeff for reply.
Can u explain more detail because i cannot got that.
Sure, firdaus.
The strace command tracks sysem calls and prints out the parameters to
each one. Lispworks uses system calls when trying to find
Just prefix strace to your command that runs lispworks, e.g . I run
the very old lispworks-4300 so I do:
strace lispworks-4300
Use your version, of course. You'll get a lot of output, more than you
probably want to see. Use grep to filter out only the lines referring
to libXm. The command becomes:
strace lispworks-4300 2>&1 | grep libXm
and you'll see only lines referring to libXm. The 2>&1 redirects file
2 to file 1 because strace writes to file 2 while grep reads from file
1. That syntax is bash syntax, you'll need to figure out your own
shell's syntax or figure out how to use bash.
You should then see the system calls where lispworks is looking for
libXm. Lispworks is looking in one place and you have it in another
place. You'll see where lispworks is looking in the strace output. To
find where you have it on your system, do something like:
locate libXm
or, if that didn't work,
find / -iname "libXm*"
Finally, cd to the directory where lispworks is looking for libXm and
create a symbolic link to the place where you actually have libXm.
ln -s <>
Good luck.
Jeff Caldwell
On 9/10/07, aus firdaus <> wrote:
> Hello
> i try to enter strace command but in centos 5 it not work. Then i try to find "locate libXm" and found the location of that file at /usr/X11R6/lib/ and then try to create smbolic link as you told like this:
> ln - s /usr/X11R6/lib/
> but it not work. The same error come out when running lispwork. Pls give some ideas because i'm afraid if i enter the wrong command.
> Thanks
> firdaus
Well, you have to know where to put the symbolic link. It has to go in
the place where lispworks is looking for it. Go ahead and rm the link
you created, wherever that was, because it's not in the right place.
Why did strace not work? Please post the command you're entering and
the output that results, i.e. error messages or whatever. For me it
bash-3.1$ strace lispworks-4300 -init x 2>&1 | grep libXm
open("/usr/lib/", O_RDONLY) = 3
open("/usr/lib/", O_RDONLY) = 3
but my version is Lispworks Pro is pretty old. Your Lispworks may
differ, maybe not. Were you in bash when you ran strace? Enter
strace lispworks-4300 -init x 2>&1 | grep libXm
except use whatever lispworks-<version> you have. If your version is
still looking in /usr/lib, then become root and:
cd /usr/lib/
ln - s /usr/X11R6/lib/
A book like Unix Power Tools might go a long way, teaching you to
understand enough to solve problems like this one.
If this doesn't fix it for you, please start posting the commands you
enter and the output you get.
Jeff Caldwell