What's happened to system colors like win32:color_highlight in LWW5.0?
Hello lispworkers, In LWW4.4 I can easily use system colors win32:color_windowtext and the like. In the listener, I see CL-USER 2 > (color:get-color-alias-translation 'win32:color_highlight) WIN32:COLOR_HIGHLIGHT CL-USER 3 > (color:get-color-translation 'win32:color_highlight) #S(COLOR:COLOR-ALIAS :COLOR #(:RGB 0.0 0.5019607843137255 0.5019607843137255)) On the contrary, I do not see such aliases in LWW5.0 Personal: CL-USER 2 > (color:get-color-alias-translation :color_highlight) NIL CL-USER 3 > (color:get-color-translation 'win32:color_highlight) And I cannot refer to such aliases in CAPI panes. In readme-5-0.pdf, Section 12.5.3 mentions the following: You can supply :background :color_highlight and :foreground :color_highlighttext... But these :color_highlight and :color_highlighttext are missing from color:*color-database* at all. What is wrong with them? -- Sincerely, Dmitriy Ivanov lisp.ystok.ru