How to find a particular window?
I have been using a plotting package that creates a window and adds it to a list of plotting windows. Whenever one particular plotting window is desired for additional drawing, I call WSET with the designator (typically a symbol). That searches a list of plotting windows for that particular one, and moves it to the top of the list to become the "current plotting window".But in a multitasking environment this is clearly unsafe, as the "current plotting window" could be switched between drawing commands to the "current plotting window". What is current depends on the thread's perspective.
Hence, I need to include the window pane as an argument to every plotting command. My former system did not require this, and that was very convenient when only a lone user was plotting information.
In order to ease the transition, I would like to identify windows by a symbolic id, such as window 'SINC for some particular plotting session.
The existence of the LW Window Browser indicates that it must be possible to search a tree of visible windows on screen, and check for some kind of name or identifying characteristic. Does anyone know how that window browser works? Or is this an undocumented feature of LW?
David McClain
Chief Technical Officer
Refined Audiometrics Laboratory
4391 N. Camino Ferreo
Tucson, AZ 85750
phone: 1.520.390.3995
Skype: dbmcclain