FLI and delivery
Hi, I encounter the following error when delivering at level 2 Error: Failed to find address for external symbol "ServiceMain". I guess it is caused by the definition (fli:define-foreign-callable ("ServiceMain" :encode :source :result-type :void) ((argc dword) (argv (:pointer :pointer))) .... and causes the error when (fli:make-pointer :symbol-name "ServiceMain" :functionp t) is executed. I tried (after some macroexpansion) (deliver 'ntservice::standard-main "mysrv.exe" 2 :keep-symbols '(|%FOREIGN-CALLABLE/ServiceMain| service-control-handler servicemain |ServiceMain| "ServiceMain") :interface :capi) but none of the :keep-symbols helps. Any idea? Andreas P.S. full source available at http://www.atp-data.de/lisp/ntservice.zip