overflow bug in system:int32 ?
LispWorks provides an API for 32-bit arithmetic http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/lw50/LWUG/html/lwuser-93.htm On my 64-bit Linux installation using LispWorks 5.0.2, it looks like this overflows into values that are 64-bits: > (setf xx system:+int32-1+) #<SYSTEM:INT32 1> > (setf xx (system:int32<< xx 20)) #<SYSTEM:INT32 1048576> > (setf xx (system:int32<< xx 20)) #<SYSTEM:INT32 1099511627776> > (setf xx (system:int32<< xx 20)) #<SYSTEM:INT32 1152921504606846976> > (setf xx (system:int32<< xx 20)) #<SYSTEM:INT32 0> Is the int32 type expected to work on 64 bit installations? Cheers, Chris Dean