LWW Version 5.02???
I just had to replace an aging old P4 boat-anchor with a new Gateway laptop. But you can only buy new computers with MS Vista -- no more Win/XP. Anyway, after installing my LWW 5.0, the patches for 5.01, and finally the patches for 5.02, all of my LWW windows continue to say Version 5.01. However, the uninstall tool in the Control Panel shows LWW as Version 5.02.I cannot find any way to ascertain that I'm really running 5.02 instead of 5.01. The Help/About panel does not specify which sub-version of 5.x we are running. Has anyone else seen this problem? Anyone know what to do?
David McClain
Chief Technical Officer
Refined Audiometrics Laboratory
4391 N. Camino Ferreo
Tucson, AZĀ 85750
email: dbm@refined-audiometrics.com
phone: 1.520.390.3995
Skype: dbmcclain