system:open-url alternative
In two of my previous posts I've mentioned that on OS X system:open-url does not seem to work with deliverables, even at delivery level 0. Apparently LispWorks is not bundling up some call to ICStart and the call to open-url fails. I have found no delivery keyword or module inclusion that gets around this limitation. Maybe a future version of LW 5 will fix this. For any others who have run into this problem, I have made a small workaround.. Rather, than system:open-url, the following code can be used to use the Cocoa bridge to open a url: (defun open-url-alternative (path) #+mac (objc:invoke (objc:invoke "NSWorkspace" "sharedWorkspace") "openURL:" (objc:invoke "NSURL" "URLWithString:" path) #--mac (system:open-url path)) Chris