Save-image (mac os x)
Hi, After saving an image on an intel mac, (LW 5.02) I have these two problems : (load-all-patches) (load "my-application.lisp") (save-image "my-application :restart-function #'cp::startup-function :multiprocessing t :environment t) (quit) 1) After running this script in a shell, and restart with the Terminal application (I didn't find another way to launch the new image... ?), the LW IDE doesn't appears. I have to open manually some listener and editor. But at this point the *standard-output* is a synonym-stream to *terminal-io* rather than to the "background output" of the Editor. So the output is redirect to the Terminal Shell and doesn't appear in the LW IDE. Is it a way to change that ? 2) Some functions of my application, witch change the mouse cursors via the objective-c bridge, doesn't work anymore. These mouse cursors are "non mac" cursors : they are created by the function below and stored in a hash table. The cursor is changed with the objc "set" method. (defun make-mouse-cursor (image-path &optional point) (let ((image (objc:invoke "NSImage" "alloc")) (cursor (objc:invoke "NSCursor" "alloc"))) (objc:invoke image "initByReferencingFile:" (pathname2string image-path t)) (objc:invoke cursor "initWithImage:hotSpot:" image (make-array 2 :initial-contents point)) (objc:invoke image "release") cursor)) The pointers to these cursors are created normally. But, in this new image, the cursor doesn't change it aspect when the "set" method occurs... When in the "normal" LW image, the same works perfectly. Any suggestion will be very appreciated Thanks Denis ------------------------------------------------------- Denis Pousseur 70 rue de Wansijn 1180 Bruxelles, Belgique Tel : 32 (0)2 219 31 09 Mail : -------------------------------------------------------