Unexpected quit
Every time I try to run LWM 5.0, I get an unexpected quit, and the terminal application runs and says the following: Last login: Fri Mar 30 12:01:45 on ttyp1 /tmp/LWtemp.LWs-MacBook-Pro.local.221.1.command; exit Welcome to Darwin! LWs-MacBook-Pro:~ lwater$ /tmp/LWtemp.LWs-MacBook-Pro.local. 221.1.command; exit LispWorks(R): The Common Lisp Programming Environment Copyright (C) 1987-2006 LispWorks Ltd. All rights reserved. Version 5.0.0 Saved by LispWorks as lispworks-5-0-0-x86-darwin, at 25 Jul 2006 13:57 User lwater on LWs-MacBook-Pro.local ; Loading text file /Applications/LispWorks 5.0/Library/lib/5-0-0-0/ config/siteinit.lisp ; Loading text file /Applications/LispWorks 5.0/Library/lib/5-0-0-0/ private-patches/load.lisp ; Loading text file /Users/lwater/lispworks Error: Signal 4 [code 0] at 8FE12F94 {inside foreign code} eax 3544C0 ; ebx 927FEFEB ; ecx 90A5AA34 ; edx 0 esp BFFFFABC ; ebp BFFFFB1C ; esi 3544C0 ; edi 354340 1 (abort) Quit process. 2 Restart top-level loop. Type :b for backtrace, :c <option number> to proceed, or :? for other options CL-USER 1 : 1 > The problem began yesterday. I just this morning completed a disk repair (using Apple's utility). The problem remains. Advice please. Laughing Water